Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

    • A welcome message from Kristin and Pete

    • Watch this! How to use this platform

    • Why are you here?

    • The New 3 R's: Prepping for proactive interventions

    • A reading assignment for you: "Systems of Meaning"

    • The first R: Relationships

    • Relationships in action: voices from the field

    • You try it out: Relationships - Watch, discuss, and learn

    • The second R: Responsibility

    • Responsibility in action: voices from the field

    • You try it out: Responsibility - putting "windows" into action

    • The third R: Regulation

    • Regulation in action: voices from the field

    • You try it out: Regulation

    • A couple things to keep in mind

    • Your turn: Build an intervention plan

    • Reflections on The New 3 R's